Recap: Talent Innovation Summit.

We’ve all heard about the serious dearth of women in tech roles. At Google, for example, women make up 30% of the company’s workforce, but hold 17 percent of the company’s tech jobs. At Facebook, women fill 15 percent of tech roles. At Twitter, it’s just 10 percent.
Worse yet, women stand to gain one new STEM job for every 20 that are lost in other disrupted industries.
But how do we close the tech industry gender gap? Last week’s inaugural Talent Innovation Summit, sponsored by the Women Tech Council and held at Adobe’s Utah office, aimed to get the conversation started. Senior executives, HR personnel, business leaders, and a standing-room-only crowd gathered to discuss how to recruit and retain women in tech roles.
The consensus? It’s complicated. But the first step is admitting the problem, and keeping the conversation going.
Here’s a recap:
WTC president and co-founder Cydni Tetro, kicked things off.
“If we don’t have the conversation, nothing happens. @cydtetro”
By Jen Gustavson, Content Marketing Manager, Domo